328. HR is a Strategic Partner with Mallory Herrin

career & business entrepreneurship leadership

Are you a small to midsized business with the desire to build an employee-centric workplace? On today's Daily Path Podcast episode, HR Consultant, Mallory Herrin shares her story of building a HR consulting firm, the value of an employee-centric workplace and more.

Tune in on: Apple Podcasts | Spotify


  • Mallory Herrin's background
  • Common misconceptions about having an employee-centric workplace
  • How impactful a positive work environment is
  • Why professionals should continue to develop their skillset
  • The importance of values when building a company, leading a team, and serving clients


1. Podcast Sales Mastery

We're now accepting clients for our signature coaching program Podcast Sales Mastery. This 1:1 coaching program is for the business coach, consultant, or keynote speaker that have a signature program or service priced between $5k - $50k and want to launch an impactful podcast show that attract premium clients for their business. Apply for Podcast Sales Mastery.


Visit Mallory's Website by clicking here.

Connect with Mallory on LinkedIn by clicking here.

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